The current situation in Ukraine casts a shadow on Europe. Many in the recreational industry have been closely working with Ukrainian colleagues for years. The EBI Council took the decision to launch a fundraising campaign under the theme of "European Boating Industry for Ukraine". For this, EBI is working with the German charity Action Medeor e.V., which specialises in the delivery of emergency medical supplies to war and crisis areas. In view of the current developments, in which more and more civilians are involved, there is a great need for this support. Action Medeor delivers - as long as it is possible, and the borders can be passed - directly to Ukraine and has already built up its own infrastructure and logistics on the ground. The target of 10,000€ has already been reached.
The donation page can be found here and is active until 7 May 2022 at least. Action Medeor is certified and issues corresponding donation receipts (under German law only).