At the beginning of September 2021, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) published the EMTER report (European Maritime Transport Environmental Report) together with the European Environment Agency (EEA). The Report aims to provide a factual analysis of maritime transport’s environmental impacts, while suggesting future actions to alleviate these pressures. The joint report touches upon many pivotal topics for maritime transport, including alternative fuels which are being assessed by the European Commission as well in the “Fit for 55” package.
More in detail, the EMTER report includes in its analysis the recreational boating sector to a small degree, recognising that pleasure boating and recreational activities in ports and marinas are a contextual part of the activities taking place at sea and in inland waterways. EBI has contributed to the report by representing the sector and providing comments on a draft version. Various points throughout the report touch on the recreational boating sector, to which EBI has contributed in some parts during the development process with comments and clarifications:
- Recognition of the EU funded project Pharos4MPAs, which also investigates the environmental impact of anchoring and promotes policy recommendations and practical alternatives (page 91);
- Recognition that increased demand for recreational craft in the last two decades has led to the development of more marinas (page 92);
- An exhaustive list of activities related to ports are listed, with specific recognition of “recreational” and “touristic” activities (page 94);
- A better wording to recognise the different types of vessels navigating EU waters (cruise ships, container ships, oil tankers, vehicle carriers, refrigerated bulks), with a specific definition of “pleasure craft” in the Glossary (page 164).
You can download and read the full report here.