Wednesday, 17 July 2024 13:14

EBI and European Tourism Manifesto published priorities as EU Commission President is elected

Tourism Manifesto LogoToday, as the European Commission President von der Leyen is re-elected, European Boating Industry, alongside fellow members of the Tourism Manifesto coalition, presents its four priorities aimed at reshaping the future of tourism across the European Union.

The manifesto alliance connects over 70 public and private sector organisations, emphasises the necessity for a coordinated and strategic approach to sustain and enhance Europe's position as a leading tourism destination. With tourism being a critical component of the European economy, the manifesto advocates for policies that promote sustainable growth, innovation, and resilience across the sector.

The paper, titled "Tourism in Transition: A New Consensus for Change," outlines key priorities and actionable strategies for the EU's 2024-2029 mandate. The four main priorities are Decarbonisation, EU Vision & Strategy, Connectivity & Borders, and Innovation & Adaptation[1]. EBI represents the nautical tourism sector within the alliance that reaches into every sub-sector of tourism. The policy paper sits alongside EBI’s own calls for the next legislative period focusing on the boating and nautical tourism sector specifically[2].

Philip Easthill, Secretary-General of EBI, states, "We congratulate Ursula von der Leyen to her election as Commission President. This manifesto represents an important moment for the tourism sector in Europe. As we face unprecedented challenges and opportunities, it is essential that we adopt a strategic, coordinated approach to ensure sustainable growth and resilience. The next five years and the work of the EU are critical in this. Together with the entire tourism sector, we are committed to working with the Commission President to bring these recommendations to life and secure a prosperous future for tourism in Europe."

[1] Tourism Manifesto priorities 2024-2029

[2] European Boating Industry calls 2024-2029

Last modified on Thursday, 09 January 2025 14:31