Newsletter Nov-Dec 2023

HELCOM, formed in 1974 under the Helsinki Convention, safeguards the Baltic Sea environment with ten Contracting Parties and a rotating chairmanship, supported by a Helsinki-based Secretariat and over 60 observers. HELCOM undertakes an assessment of the environmental state of the Baltic Sea at a regular interval (HOLAS). These are the key findings of the report: Limited Improvement: The assessment indicates minimal to no improvement in the Baltic Sea environment during the evaluation period. Call for…
Tourism ministers from European Union member states gathered in Palma to endorse the so-called Palma Declaration, setting a course for the social sustainability of the EU tourism sector. The declaration envisions a sustainable model for tourism, emphasizing environmental consciousness, digitalization, inclusivity, resilience, and responsiveness to future challenges. Member states urge the European Commission to actively support efforts in developing a competitive, high-quality, and sustainable tourism sector that respects multicultural dimensions and is accessible to all…

The European Commission has launched the Skills and Talent Mobility package to address persistent skills shortages in the EU. Key initiatives include the creation of an EU Talent Pool, simplified recognition of qualifications, and an emphasis on learning mobility. The EU Talent Pool will be a voluntary platform supported by Member States with the objective of streamlining international recruitment, connecting EU employers with jobseekers from non-EU countries, addressing shortages in key occupations. Member States will…
The European Commission took a decision the 19th of December 2023 to extend the suspension of EU tariffs on US products, specifically related to the steel and aluminium dispute, until March 31, 2025. This includes the continued suspension of tariffs on imports of US recreational boats. This decision marks a noteworthy development in the ongoing trade relations between the European Union and the United States. The extension provides further temporary relief, and EBI acknowledges the…

The popular Vene 24 Båt Helsinki International Boat Show is the annual meeting place for Nordic boating enthusiasts Helsinki International Boat Show, Vene 24 Båt, annually showcases over 400 new boats, boating accessories and equipment, as well as products related to fishing and water activities. The largest boating event in Northern Europe is a popular event among Finnish boating enthusiasts and attracts international interest. Helsinki International Boat Show will be held on 9-18 February 2024…
EBI recently played a key role in the European Tourism Manifesto workshop held in Brussels. The collaborative event brought together stakeholders from Europe's travel, tourism, and cultural industries to identify shared issues and priorities for the long-term interests of the sectors, particularly in light of the upcoming 2024 elections in Europe. The breakout sessions focused on critical topics such as decarbonisation, digitalisation, resilience, inclusion, skills, data, and tax. The Manifesto, an alliance of over 70…

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