Spain's priorities for its presidency of the Council of the EU

Spain took over the presidency of the European Council on 1 July for a period of six months. It is the first of a trio of presidencies, followed by Belgium and Hungary in 2024.

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Spain published its programme (available here) and announced its four priority areas:

  • Reindustrialisation
  • Ecological transition
  • Social and economic justice
  • European unity

The most relevant aspects for the recreational boating industry are the will to promote and advance the European industry and its commitment to ensure sustainable tourism.
Rosana Morillo, Secretary of State for Tourism in Spain before the recent elections on 23 July, further explained the programme for tourism in this presidency: recognising the key role of tourism in the European economy. This presidency will focus on ensuring the long-term sustainability of tourism, in particular its social aspect, as it plays a vital role in achieving high quality, accessible and sustainable tourism, aligned with the EU's sustainable goals and the 2030 agenda.

Two important meetings will be held over the next 6 months: the European Tourism Forum, which will take place on 30 and 31 October in Mallorca and the Tourism Intelligence and Data Forum, which will be held in Benidorm on 16 November. The event will focus on the digital transformation of the sector, with special emphasis on the creation of data spaces and how they can be used to improve the development and competitiveness of tourist destinations.

You can read more about the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU here.

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